
Chryssa Brown


Geographer, photographer and keen traveller. Pint of Science has a wonderful way of making high-level research accessible and fun. Join us in May at one or more of our themes and enjoy gaining some knowledge over a pint of your favourite tipple!

Larissa John

Larissa John

Our Body Lead

I'm a second year PhD student researching drug combinations that can overcome drug resistance in human fungal pathogens. I'm excited to be part of this year's Pint of Science Exeter to bring the public and science together in the pub!

Qinglan Liu

Qinglan Liu

Tech Me Out Lead

I’m a third year PhD student focusing on using digital technologies to empower circular economy businesses, such as sustainable Industry 4.0, smart aquaculture, clothing and food manufacturing. I’m looking forward to helping Pint of Science and spreading the message that science is fun!

Valentin Haemmerli

Valentin Haemmerli

Atoms to Galaxies Lead

I am a Postdoctoral Researcher in Engineering at the University of Exeter. My work includes experimental as well as theoretical components. This is my third year supporting Pint of Science Exeter and I’m looking forward to seeing lots of new and familiar faces!

Viv Atureta

Viv Atureta

Planet Earth Team

I am currently studying a PhD in Mathematics & Statistics, focusing on the application of different equations in a radar nowcasting problem using UK Met Office rainfall radar. My idea of a relaxing day would be a slow run by the Exe or reading a crime novel – I’m also an avid writer

Rachel Black

Rachel Black

Atoms to Galaxies Team

I’m a PhD student working on space weather forecasting, particularly what’s going on within Earth’s radiation belts. This is my first year with Pint of Science but I love talking about science and drinking pints - what could be better! Excited to share some awesome research going on here in Exeter.

Ilaria Colazzo

Atoms to Galaxies Team

I'm a post-doc fellow working in pure maths at the Univeristy of Exeter. This is my first time getting involved in the Pint of Science festival. I'm really looking forward to getting to know other researchers and listening to amazing talks.

Molly Endicott

Molly Endicott

Our Body Team

I am second year PhD student in the Cancer Genomics group at Exeter. My research focusses on the impact of diabetes on colorectal cancer biology. I’m really passionate about bringing science to the public and look forward to being involved in this year’s Pint of Science.

Annika Jaitner

Annika Jaitner

Our Body Team

I am a second year PhD student in medical statistics. I look at risk factors for mother and child in pregnancy while including genetic information to inform on causal relationships. For me, Pint of Science is a great way to learn about fascinating research in all different fields.

Dan Jones

Dan Jones

Our Body Team

I’m a second year PhD student studying the molecular mechanism of titan cells in the fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans. I’m a believer that science should be fun and accessible to everyone - not just a scary word thrown around on the news. I'm looking forward to supporting events this May!

John Kilpatrick

Atoms to Galaxies Team

I am a PhD student at the University of Exeter, trying to take pictures through optical fibres to make endoscopes less invasive. Excited to bring some cool physics topics to a wider audience in May!

Stella Kozmer

Stella Kozmer

Our Body Team

I am a first-year PhD in Medical Studies focusing on the identification and management of binge eating disorder and bulimia in primary care. I am excited to be part of Pint of Science and showcase the work of some amazing female scientists across fields to the public.

Allison Newman

Allison Newman

Our Body Team

I am a second year PhD student in the Medical School researching the genetic and molecular causes of motor neurone degenerative diseases. I am excited to be involved in this year’s Pint of Science as I think it is a great way to get the public interested in science!

David Newman

Atoms to Galaxies Team

After completing a PhD, I now work as Public Engagement Manager for the Centre for Metamaterial Research and Innovation (CMRI) at the University of Exeter. I get to see fascinating research taking place every day and I am excited to take this out of the lab and into the pub!

Regan Mudhar

Planet Earth Team

I’m a 2nd year PhD student in Exeter Uni's Maths department. I use simplified versions of climate models to investigate the potential link between climate change in the Arctic and severe winter weather over places like the UK. Excited to bring some interesting topics to Exeter pubs this year!

Charlotte Reburn

Our Body Team

I’m a 2nd-year PhD student focusing on how patients feel about virtual group-based programmes in healthcare, intergrating regular Zoom-style meetings which focus on preventing and managing physical conditions like type 2 diabetes. I’m so excited to hear all of the speakers this year!

Andrea Rochner

Andrea Rochner

Planet Earth Team

I’m an oceanographer working on the CO2 exchange between atmosphere and ocean in the Southern Ocean. Therefore, I am familiar with the feeling that research is miles away. I’m looking forward to bringing research closer to you at this year’s Pint of Science at Exeter!